Message from the Dean

August 2024

Dear Bowdoin Students, 

The Bowdoin College Code of Community Standards (previously referred to as the Student Handbook) is web-based. I hope you’ll find the information within accessible, useful, and easy to navigate. I urge you to take some time to familiarize yourself with the information it contains. This is important for all students to be aware of the policies that shape their experience at Bowdoin.

The Code of Community Standards and the Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook are your key references to the policies, procedures, and governance structure of the College. It is your responsibility to be aware of the content in each so as to understand your responsibilities while at Bowdoin. 

The Code of Community Standards is a resource that exists to assist you in planning, navigating, and—importantly—contributing to the future policies and directions of your College. As a web-based guide, this is a dynamic document with links to various College departments, resources, programs, and services. Some information will change over the course of the year as departments and programs update their sites. While the information contained within the College Policy section is unlikely to change, the College reserves the right to make modifications or changes during the academic year as it deems necessary and appropriate; any significant changes would be brought to your attention. Additionally, as is described in the section on College Governance, students are full members of virtually all faculty, College, and trustee committees, and those committees develop the policies of the College.  

I encourage you to use the Bowdoin College Code of Community Standards to understand your decisions, actions, and place here at the college. Your time at Bowdoin will be shaped by intellectual rigor, community engagement and leadership, rich and diverse friendships, and a deep connection to people and resources—know what is available to you and what this means for your education.

My colleagues and I hope you take full advantage of this extraordinary place and wish you every success at Bowdoin.

Best wishes for a successful year! 

Jim Hoppe

Senior Vice President and Dean for Student Affairs