Social Events and Gatherings

A. Event Requirements for Events Hosted in Residential Spaces:

Occupancy Limits: All gatherings must observe the occupancy limits of the specific space. Students may contact the Office of Residential Life for questions regarding occupancy limits.  

Large Events: Large events may only take place in the College Houses and Park Row and must be registered. Such gatherings may only take place in approved spaces.  

Private Residences: All events with alcohol in private residences must be registered. 

Event Registration: Event registration forms are available in the Office of Residential Life.  Forms must be completed and returned to the Residential Life Office by 4:30 pm the Wednesday before the event.  Forms submitted after this deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Event Hosts: All registered events are required to have an Event Host(s) and an Alcohol Host if the event has alcohol (see below for Duties and Obligations Hosts). Hosts may face disciplinary action for Alcohol Policy violations that occur at parties they sponsor, and, under certain circumstances, may face criminal or civil proceedings. Individuals responsible for organizing or hosting an unregistered event may likewise be held responsible and liable for alcohol-related violations committed by their guests and face additional sanctions for failing to register the event. 

Hosts may call Bowdoin College Security for assistance with any alcohol violations or difficult situations that may arise during an event. 

Alcohol Compliance: All events must comply with Maine state and the policy regarding Alcohol and Other Substances Use and Abuse. Events, hosts, and attendees must also comply with Bowdoin’s policies, including Alcohol and Other Substances Use and Abuse. No events with alcohol or other drugs are permitted in First-Year residence halls or substance-free spaces. 

All Senior Week events with alcohol must be registered. Please see the On-Campus Noise policy. 

Event Hours: Students may only host events with alcohol on Friday and Saturday nights while classes are in session. Events are limited to 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Events involving alcohol are not permitted during final exam and reading periods unless by special permission.  

Students interested in registering an event with alcohol outside of the permitted event hours must reach out to the director of residential life to request an exception. When seeking an exception, students should reach out at least 2 weeks before the event date. Events outside of the Event Hours should in some way build campus community and exception requests must include both a compelling rationale and sufficient assurance that the proposed event would not compromise the assumed academic priorities of individuals involved in or otherwise affected by the event. Such events will only be approved under unique and special circumstances.

B. Duties and Obligations of Hosts:

  1. Registered events must have hosts and the amount and type of hosts varies depending on location and whether alcohol is present.
  2. All hosts must complete in-person Event Host training with the Assistant Director for Residential Life. This training is offered weekly in 24 College every Thursday at 4:15 pm. Students must take this training once a semester.
    The event registration forms must be completed and returned to the Residential Life Office by 4:30 pm the Wednesday before the event.
  3. Advertising of parties or events, whether paper or electronic, may not depict the presence or promise of alcohol. 
  4. Hosts of events cannot charge admission that directly or indirectly allows or signifies access to alcohol, nor can money be solicited or collected from guests at any time during the event for the purchase of alcohol. It is illegal to sell liquor in Maine without a license. 
  5. Common sources of alcohol (including, but not limited to punch bowls, etc.) are not permitted without the permission of the Director of Residential Life or their designee. 
  6. Non-alcoholic beverages must be available in quantity appropriate to the expected number of guests at the event. Non-alcoholic beverages must be visible, readily accessible, and sufficiently available throughout the party or event. 
  7. Event hosts are trained to recognize the signs of intoxication, pre-alcohol poisoning and alcohol poisoning. They are expected to contact Security if they are concerned about an individual’s health, safety, or behavior. 
  8. Hosts for College House events and events in Park Row basement must meet with Security to conduct a pre-party check to ensure that the event complies with the Alcohol Policy, fire code regulations, noise ordinances, and the details stipulated on the party registration form. 
  9. Security reserves the right to visit registered events at any point in time. Hosts must allow Security into the event space to conduct party checks as necessary. 
  10. Events must end by 1 am. 
  11. Hosts must ensure common areas are clean and restored to their original appearance following a social event.  

 C. Registration 

  1. Registration Process: Students can pick up an event registration form from the Residential Life Office. Students can either fill it out in the office or take it with them. Each host will need to sign the form and must attend host training each semester. Forms must be completed by 4:30 pm the Wednesday before the event. Students are welcome to submit forms well in advance of this deadline. Before registering an event in a College House, students must have permission from those living in the house. Students can reach out to anyone in the ResLife office if they need help figuring out who to reach out to. Before registering an event in Park Row Basement, students must have permission from RAs in Park Row to host an event in that space.
  2. No Registration: Small, spontaneous gatherings without alcohol may be held in residence halls, private rooms, or apartments without requiring registration. Please be courteous and respectful of other residents sharing the space. Such gatherings are, however, subject to all other rules regarding alcohol use described in this policy. 
  3. Registration Exception Form: Students interested in registering an event with alcohol outside of the acceptable event hours of Friday and Saturday nights from 7:30 pm - 1:00 am must reach out to the director of residential life to request an exception. When seeking an exception, students should reach out at least 2 weeks before the event date. Events outside of the acceptable event hours should in some way build campus community and exception requests must include both a compelling rationale and sufficient assurance that the proposed event would not compromise the assumed academic priorities of individuals involved in or otherwise affected by the event. Such events will only be approved under unique and special circumstances.
  4. Outdoor Event Spaces: Several outdoor spaces on campus can serve as outdoor gathering spaces and can be registered for substance-free events. The spaces include the Brunswick Quad, Harpswell Quad, and Osher Quad. 
D. Additional Requirements: In addition to the above, the following is required of all parties: 
  1. No Hard Liquor. No student, regardless of age, may possess hard liquor on Bowdoin College property, including in residences or in common spaces. Any hard liquor found on campus by Security will be confiscated. Generally, this excludes beer, malt beverages, wine, and hard cider.  
  2. Drinking Games Not Permitted. Drinking games, or other activities that encourage the rapid ingestion of alcohol, are not permitted. Paraphernalia identified as having been used in a drinking game, including tables, may be confiscated by Security and will become property of the College. 
  3. Adherence to Fire Safety Codes. Due to fire safety ordinances, the total number in attendance at a party or social event must not exceed the legal capacity of the facility. Fire capacity information is available on the party registration form. 
  4. Valid ID Required. Everyone attending a party or social function where alcohol is served must carry valid identification that verifies their date of birth. 
  5. Ban on Alcohol as “Prizes.” Alcohol may not be used as a “prize” at any function.